Philipp Lenz
NaamPhilipp Lenz
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪


Other eight-year-olds would have cried, but Philipp stood still, listened, and Brian Johnson spoke: You've been – THUNDERSTRUCK! Philipp was on his way to get sweets when AC/DC started to intone its magnus opum and a crowd of 180.000 frantic people gathered to form a gigantic mosh pit.Instead of looking for parental shelter, Philipp remained within the midst of the crowd and experienced his very own personal, musical enlightenment.
The speed of Heavy Metal and Rock, however, soon failed to provide the energy and drive that the young adolescent was yearning for. Fortunately for Philipp, Frankfurt's pulsating club life offered this dynamic musical twist. Since radio stations such as Evo Sonic and HR XXL failed to transmit their tunes to Philipp's home in a tiny rural village in the middle of the Taunus Mountains, about 35 kilometres from Frankfurt, he was only able to explore his new musical passion by means of a makeshift antenna.…

Uitgaansagenda Philipp Lenz

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 3 augustus 2013: Nature One, Raketbasis Pydna, Kastellaun


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