NaamMarcus Nils Henriksson
FunctieDJ, producer
HerkomstZweden 🇸🇪
Vroegere naam
  • Nobody Home aka Minilogue, tot 1 september 2019


As many of us may know, the line between reality and fiction is very thin. This is something that Marcus experienced already as a child. He grew up at a farm in a very safe, supporting and loving environment. In his backyard playground -the woods - he had a lot of time to use his imagination, play with different dimensions and getting deep into the inner worlds. Playing the roles of both the creator, actors and audience, he built up imaginary worlds with lots of different characters and adventures.

His burning desire to share his inner worlds with others became at first possible through drawing. This he did while listening to preferably instrumental, long tracks music (like Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Front 242) with time to go deeper into the journey. Unconsciously knowing, he used the music as a tool for focusing, so that he could stay in the other dimensions and being able to express this.

Uitgaansagenda Marcus Henriksson

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 24 augustus 2019: Fuse & Initiate, Fuse, Brussel


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