Felix K21 fansFunctie6× DJGeslachtmanHerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪 GenrestechnotechnoLinksBiografie · 12 december 2014Felix K is a Music Producer, DJ and Labelowner from Berlin. He co-runs Hidden Hawaii, that is influenced by different electronic music genres. As a DJ he is strongly affiliated with Dystopian, a collective of Techno DJs.Uitgaansagenda Felix Kical · archiefLaatste optreden was op zaterdag 18 november 2017: Dystopian, Gewölbe, Keulentoon archief, 6 evenementenStatistieken6·optredensgeen·in de toekomst6·in het verleden273×bekeken sinds 13 december 201421fansDeel je mening! Log in of registreer
Biografie · 12 december 2014Felix K is a Music Producer, DJ and Labelowner from Berlin. He co-runs Hidden Hawaii, that is influenced by different electronic music genres. As a DJ he is strongly affiliated with Dystopian, a collective of Techno DJs.