Phil Reynolds
NaamPhil Reynolds
Functie28× DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


For the past 13 years, Phil has been rocking dance floors across the globe. From his beginnings in London Phil has risen up the ranks to become one of the worlds most popular hard trance DJ's.

Phil's rise in popularity started when he became resident at London No1 hard dance promotion Frantic. Soon afterwards he became resident at another popular promotion Fevah. He quickly became one of London's most popular DJ's and played at every major venue and promotion in London, headlining such venues as Brixton Academy, The Astoria, Turnmill's and the world famous Camden Palace (Now Koko).

Phil's popularity soon spread and headlined such events as the Nukleuz arena's at Escape in the park and Creamfields. He has played for every major promotion across the country including Slinky, Gods Kitchen, Goodgrief, Polysexual, Sundissental and Sundissental North, Bionic in Wales and Nuclear Puppy in Scotland.

Uitgaansagenda Phil Reynolds

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 10 maart 2018: Trance Sanctuary, Egg, London


geen·in de toekomst
28·in het verleden
4·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (3 stemmen)
29 maart 2003
Foto's, Impulz, 29 maart 2003, Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch
29 maart 2002
Foto's, High Quality, 29 maart 2002, Melkweg, Amsterdam

1 waardering

Rocks the HHA!