James Rigby
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genrespsytrance, techno, trance
psy, techno, trance


James Rigby is a name that has swiftly sewn itself into the UK Trance scene over the past few years. Founder and co-promoter of the UK's most talked about Trance Brand, Rong Manchester, he has firmly made his mark both on and off the dance floor.

Since the birth of Rong in 2009, James has become a regular name in UK Trance scene notching up some impressive bookings for renowned brands including Godskitchen, The Warehouse Project, Passion, Digital Society and Goodgreef.

A keen amorist of the technical art of DJing, never afraid to evolve with the latest technology to push performance boundaries and enhance the DJ experience for his ever growing following; James showcases his skills as a highly technical and creative performer who is always raising his game.

Uitgaansagenda James Rigby

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 29 april 2016: Rong Pres Damaged Records, Venus, Manchester


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