NaamLewis Duggleby
Functie21× DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, pop, progressive trance, trance
house, pop, trance


UpTempo, A.K.A Lewis Duggleby has been associated with music from the age of 8, obtaining a 2nd Class honors degree at Bournemouth University in Music Design at 22.

In 2007, I moved more of my focuses to the electronic dance scene producing a few of my own tracks, re-mixes and bootlegs. In 2008, I started Dj-ing. mainly in different styles of my favorite music genre, trance then adding texture to my range by playing different styles of commercial and non-commercial house.

Over the last couple of years, i have discovered my own unique style which consists of uplifting house progressing into tech trance. My sets consist of a mixture of tunes within my specialist style from my favorite artists and my own productions, bootlegs and re-mixes!

I record a mix on a monthly basis with my favorite tunes of the month. This showcases my mixing, producing and music technology skills.

Uitgaansagenda Lewis Duggleby

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 4 maart 2023: Adrenalin Sessions, Poema, Utrecht


geen·in de toekomst
20·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)