NaamÖzgür Yelmen
Functie19× DJ
Leeftijd46 – 47
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genreshouse, tech house


Dance music connaisseurs around the world are asking themselves:
Who is this Ninetoes guy? How did he appear out of nowhere and has this instant hit record that gets spins and recognition from such a variety of highly decorated Djs as Loco Dice, Carl Cox, Jesse Rose, Luciano, Maxxi Soundsystem, Davide Squillace, Koze and Oliver Koletzki?
Well, Ninetoes is actually not some chicklet that fell into our lap, but a genuinely gifted producer and Dj that has been playing spots around the globe and mastering his craft for more than fifteen years.
Be it his sophisticated selection, his outstanding and creative mixing skills or his infectious personality: his sets are a treat to anyone with the slightest soft spot for house and techno records.
Hailing from a German motorcity and equipped with a Hip-Hop-background, this music enthusiast knows how to tastefully tear up a party in a way few others do.…

Uitgaansagenda Ninetoes

Laatste optreden was op zondag 28 augustus 2022: Tropikali Festival, NDSM-Werf, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
19·in het verleden
910×bekeken sinds 29 november 2013
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)

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