Syllie G
NaamSylvion Gaddum
Functie42× DJ
Lid van groepGroovers Collective
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresclassics, club, disco, funk, house, latin, r&b, soulful house
disco, house, latin, r&b


Syllie G is born and raised as Sylvion Gaddum in Amsterdam.

As a baby he only stopped crying when the music was playing… was clear that a music lover was brought into this world.

As a youngster he developed a great love for funk soul and early disco. He started a Drive-In Show with his high-school buddies and played at numerous parties.

During his military service in Germany, he didn't dj much, but he listened a lot to the popular blackmusic radio-stations there. It made him even more eager to get back on the decks!
At that time, famous DJ/MC Ja-Yson played at the trendy Café Zola in the Kinkerstraat in Amsterdam and Sylvion got the chance to fill in for him every once in a while.

A year later he started playing at parties and in loads of other clubs and finally changed his DJ name to Syllie G.

By now he's a well-known face in dj-land and everywhere he performs the responses are amazing. His groovy dj-style is massively embraced by a large crowd.…

Uitgaansagenda Syllie G

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 6 maart 2020: Fridayz, George, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
42·in het verleden
343×bekeken sinds 3 april 2013

soundcloud Recente muziek
