27 september 2013
NaamSaeed Alimirzoev
Functie66 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreshouse, progressive trance, tribal house


DJ Saeed Ali began his career as a professional DJ in 2006 in Moscow. Rapidly making his name in Moscow's competitive club scene, in 2008 Saeed Ali became resident of the Spanish label SuperMartXe for their Russian events. With Saeed Ali's luscious and progressive tones the SuperMartXe brand quickly gained popularity among the discerning public of Russia's capital. Saeed regularly receives rapturous applause for his sets while touring the world at club events from Shanghai to London. In 2010 Saeed became resident of SuperMartXe Amsterdam. From here Saeed's success continued at the Circuit and XLsior Festivals in Europe. World famous events and venues have welcomed Saeed including Matinee, SuperMartXe, WE Party, Toolroom Nights, Salvation and LoveChild. Saeed has wowed crowds at the illustrious Gay Pride celebrations in Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Tel Aviv, Stockholm. Since its launch in 2010 Saeed became resident at Russia's most famous gay club Central Station...


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