© Erath Fotografie
NaamBastian Erath & Marc Preuss
Functie28 × DJ's, groep
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresdeep house, tech house
partyflock 2insicht. (13 jul 2011)


Marc and Bastian from Düsseldorf are the creative minds behind "2insicht". They met each other at University whilst studying Architecture and soon discovered they had the same interest in music. Quickly it became clear to them that they had not only found each other furthermore they also share a similar musical taste. As both individuals had in-depth experience performing as solo DJ artists it was a deductive choice to combine their talent and create "2insicht". From now on their musical career was guided by their motivation "together rather than solo". Undoubtedly this motivation was incorporated within their name "2insicht". On the one hand "sichten", which is German and translates to "view sighting", is aimed to reflect back to their initial introduction. On the other hand the "2" stands for their passion working as a DJ duo. Electronic music has a lot of facets and the sound of "2insicht" is a mix of House and Techno. Since 2007 "2insicht" have joined the collective "Kunstgeschwister".…

Uitgaansagenda 2insicht

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 27 februari 2015: Ritterstrasse, Ritter Butzke, Berlin


geen·in de toekomst
28·in het verleden

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