NaamArne Debruyne
Functie24× DJ
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genreshard techno, industrial hardcore
hard techno, hardcore


K-os aka Arne Debruyne was always interested in a lot of music. Anything thrilling got his attention. .. After a few years of partying in Belgium, K-os joined the Peacefull Species collective, mainly known as promoters/organisers of quality electronic music events. Back then K-os also started buying vinyl & decks and dj-ed techno, bleepy/acid & hardtek... Being advised/influenced by friends like X&Trick & the Cyclone shop, he soon developed a great interest for more experimental music, including Jungle, Breakcore and IDM(?). He became a serious vinyl collector, digging a large variety of genres/artists. Labels like Rephlex, Warp, Planet-Mu, Skam, Schematic, Hymen () meant a lot to him because of their diversity, eclectism and high standards... Having played at a lot of parties and known for his surprisingly mature sets, K-os has become an experienced DJ who fits easily in any line-up.…

Uitgaansagenda K-os

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 5 mei 2012: Clash of the cultures, ICC Ghent, Gent


geen·in de toekomst
24·in het verleden
352×bekeken sinds 21 mei 2013
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)