13 juli 2014
NaamJeroen Suijkerbuijk
Functie1 × DJ, producer
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreshard trance, progressive trance, trance


Hiya all!

My name is Yer-One. I started to turn the tables (again) one year back now, after having a very long love for electronic dance music.

When I was very young I was for example already mesmerized by the off-world sounds of Jean Michel Jarre. When Hardcore music started to get big in '92/'93 I eventually bought my first set of turntables and lots of hardcore vinyl all those years back. When my interest in Hardcore, which I then digged, faded away I kind of lost interest in DJ-ing.

After visting some trance parties in 2008 / 2009 I had some ideas of my own on how to fill a set with different kinds of tracks. While the most do, some DJ 's, in my humble opinion, just dont just get the feeling right. So I started off again with some nice pioneer decks and tried to mix 'n' bake something useful to the dance-addicted ears.

Uitgaansagenda Yer-One

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 28 april 2012: Trancentury, Noordzee, IJmuiden

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1 opmerking

Draait echt lekkere sets! Keep up the good work!! :cheer: