RocknRolla Soundsystem
NaamSebastian Davidson, Raymond van Felius , Martijn Bosch
Functie16× DJ, soundsystem, groep
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresbreakbeat, classics, disco, funk, hip hop, punk, reggae, soulful house
disco, hip hop, house, reggae, rock


People ask the question. What's a RocknRolla? And we'll tell them it's not about drums, drugs and hospital drips. Oh, no. There's more there than that.
We all like a bit of the good life. Some, the money. Some, the drugs. Others the sex game, the glamour or the fame. But as RocknRolla Soundsystem, we're different. Why? Because real RocknRolla's, want the fucking lot and that's just what we'll serve you. No particular style, no concept, not even a real plan or the faintest idea. We just roll along as we go. Even on shommer shabas, the Jewish day of rest.

Uitgaansagenda RocknRolla Soundsystem

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 27 april 2019: Kingsday Extravaganza, DOT, Groningen


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