NaamMarwan Abdullah
Functie31× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreselectro, house, latin, progressive trance, r&b, urban
house, latin, r&b, trance, urban
Vroegere naam
  • Mara, tot 2 juni 2016


Born on November 23th in a city called Hawler.
At the age of 8 year he moved with his parents to The Netherlands for a better life and a better future. Growing up with many different genres of music, from soul to hiphop, music became a huge inspiration in his life. By the age of 16 years old, he started going to clubs and parties, not just to hang out, like most of the people would do, but mainly to learn how everything worked. Event after event he would sit and observe the dj's who where showing there skills in the clubs.Thinking how One man could drive the whole club crazy and let them all dance on the dance floor, amazed him.

Uitgaansagenda Mar One

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 26 augustus 2023: Valtifest, Kaap Oost, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
31·in het verleden
510×bekeken sinds 27 april 2013

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