Gunman & Judah
NaamFrank Raes , Carlos Michielsen
Functie46× DJ, groep
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genresdrum & bass
drum & bass


Gunman & Judah are the young guns behind City Flow, currently making international debuts behind the decks from New York & Toronto to all around the UK to Ibiza and Berlin to name a few.
City Flow is a new school established drum&bass event based in Antwerp, infamous for its daring and exciting line ups. City Flow is well excited for the future with additionally the mother chapter of Gunman & Judah's label Gun Audio, a new series of event productions around the globe, an exclusive collaboration with Random Concept (#1 UK drum&bass promotor) & having all their own events broadcasted live on UK's finest Rough Tempo, plus so many more beautiful things, these boys are setting a new standard for new generation drum&bass music.

Uitgaansagenda Gunman & Judah

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 1 februari 2020: Kompass, Kompass Klub, Gent


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