NaamKoen Verheyen
Functie96× DJ, producer
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪
Genresdeep house, house


Koen started his deejay career in the summer of '04 as a local Dj in a small club at his hometown. He grew up being a kid always listening to rap and hip-hop. It didn't take long before he got into the Belgium clublife. At a young age he got introduced to the early Belgian house scene. At that moment the house scene in Belgium was all about retro house, acid house, old techno and trance, … This came out on record labels like Bonzai Records for example. Eventually this scene disappeared, clubs started to close down and it was time for something new. He started going to places like "Silo" and "Fuse" where he got involved with the underground house music scene. He started playing more underground records and met some friends who had the same passion as him. Since then he's been buying more and more records, and this became and still is his big passion. Untill today he's still digging out his recordcases to find that vinyl that will make u move.…

Uitgaansagenda Koen

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 17 november 2018: White Moon, The BOX, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
94·in het verleden
680×bekeken sinds 8 april 2013
geenstemresultaat (1 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

1 opmerking

Waarschuw beheerder
eyyyyy koenepoen ben jij DE dj van eau arnhem (vroegûh, dan)
greetz Henk je ouwe LJ