Doctor Zot
NaamMassimiliano Bocchio Chiavetto
Functie30× DJ, producer
AliasD8r Zot
Geboortedatum6 juli
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹
partyflock Zot (18 jul 2012)
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Dj | Producer | Remixer for Activa Records
Resident Dj @ Insound Eventz - Italy

Doctor Zot starts to play music at 14 years old,
in these years he sperimented a lot of kind of sounds, from the Progressive to Techno, between Electro & Schranz, and finally Hardstyle.

In 1999 he create his Event Management & Public Relation's Staff, called Maximum Project, to organize for the first time big partyes in his town!

In 2001 he became resident dj of the famous Italian club DUE and here, with some friends in 2005 he create INSOUND, a concept of party dedicated to hard sound.
INSOUND is now one of the best organizations for the hard dance in ITALY and make big indoor & outdoor party in all the country!

In the last years, Doctor Zot has played in all the best italian clubs, and he has played Hardstyle & Techno also in France, Germany, Austria, Swiss, Finland, Bosnia and Los Angeles - U.S.A.

Uitgaansagenda Doctor Zot

Laatste optreden was op maandag 3 juli 2023: Dropzone, Zrce beach, Novalja


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529×bekeken sinds 14 april 2013

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Waarschuw beheerder
zoveel nummers hebben ze niet, maar de nummers die ze hebben vond ik gelijk al mega vet ^^,
This is our sound en Only the brave ken ik alleen maar.