Rick Charles
Clubb xxtra · 24 februari 2006
Functie41× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genrestech house, techno
house, techno


Rick Charles first manned the decks at the young age of 15. He started in a bar that was owned by his parents.
When the resident DJ didn't show up one evening the manager of the bar asked DJ Ricky if he wanted to spin the wheels instead of the resident DJ. Rick jumped at the opportunity.
After Rick played that evening, the manager was impressed with Rick's mixing skills and asked him whether he would like to be the resident DJ of the bar. Rick agreed and that's how it all started.

Beside DJing at the bar Rick also visited several clubs throughout Holland to gain inspiration and see what other DJs did to please and move the crowds.
Rick Charles came in contact with DJ Jean, the resident DJ of Club IT in Amsterdam. At the time the most famous club in Holland.
Jean was amazed by his skills and it wasn't long before DJ Jean asked Rick Charles to take over the wheels of steel on Friday's at the IT Club.

Uitgaansagenda Rick Charles

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 30 november 2013: Commu & friends, Onder de Linde, Amersfoort


geen·in de toekomst
40·in het verleden
345×bekeken sinds 6 april 2013
3·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)

soundcloud Recente muziek

24 februari 2006
Foto's, Clubb xxtra, 24 februari 2006, Rumours Inn & Swing, Amersfoort

1 waardering

Row Sunshine
Ik ben gelijk je fan geworden! de draaikoning van amersfoort

1 opmerking

Waarschuw beheerder
heyhey lekker neefjee
de muziek klinkt lekker in de auto hoor
zie je snel weer