© Julien Mignot
Ahmet Sisman
NaamAhmet Sisman
Functie29 × DJ, 2 × live act, producer
HerkomstTurkije 🇹🇷
WoonachtigDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genreshouse, techno


Istanbul born, Essen based Ahmet Sisman is a passionate music lover who has his fingers in many different pies.
Since 2008 he has released his dark yet appealing, absorbingly melancholic, hardware driven sound on some choice labels.
Always conjuring up hypnotic, mystic sounds in the studio, he is somewhat who likes to tell musical stories as a DJ, and not just play functional club tracks.
A set from him is one that will take you deep into his world, to a place of energy and emotion, where dancers and their reactions very much dictate his direction.
Since 2012, he has been laying down these sets as resident (and in house booker) at Goethebunker, one of the finest clubs in all the Ruhr region.

Uitgaansagenda Ahmet Sisman

Laatste optreden was op zondag 18 augustus 2024: The Third Room Festival, Henrichshütte, Hattingen


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