NaamDave Huismans
Functie35× DJ, live
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
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  • artiest: 2562 (pagina)


With one foot in the techno and house he grew up with as an aspiring DJ in the 90's and the other boldly stepping into the unknown, Dave Huismans displays an off-kilter, often wildly idiosyncratic approach to rhythm and composition that has made his work a constant breath of fresh air within the wider techno community.

As A Made Up Sound he's been responsible for some of the most gloriously strange peak-time bangers in recent years, such as the notorious "Ahead/Endgame" whitelabel and the rattling stutterfest "Take The Plunge" on the self-titled label series that's been his homebase since 2008.
Along the way he's released with an impressive range of seminal labels, such as Holland's techno strongholds Delsin and Clone, Shed's short lived Subsolo imprint and London's ever surprising The Trilogy Tapes. Additionally, his prized remix work for a.o. Livity Sound, Metalheadz, Amon Tobin and Berceuse Heroique has made him one of dance music's most reliable remixers.…

Uitgaansagenda A Made Up Sound

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 4 mei 2019: Het Weekend, De School, Amsterdam


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