Zero T
Functie22× DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass
drum & bass


After 17 years working with a huge spectrum of DnB greats, London based Irishman Cian McCann has long since established his place in the scene. From his early days in Dublin with the Bassbin label to working with the likes of Calibre,4 Hero, Klute, Alix Perez, Rockwell and Noisia, he has never stood still. 2008's Cheap Shots LP for Total Science's CIA Records was a high point, with lead track Walk Away bringing vocalist Steo to the worlds attention. Also a noted remixer, he has retouched artists as diverse as Dillinja, Slam, Rolo from Faithless, Sabre, Lemon D and Lenny Fontana.

Zero T's discography reflects the diversity that his DJ sets have always shown, ranging from full vocal smoothness to more rolling, dance floor styles. You are as likely to find his music on labels like Subtitles and Shogun as on Soul:r or Signature.

2010 saw two milestones reached; the Launch of Footprints, Zero T's own label, and compiling and mixing Fabric Live052 for the esteemed London venue.

Uitgaansagenda Zero T

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 13 december 2024: Paper Tape, Sahara, Rotterdam


geen·in de toekomst
22·in het verleden
257×bekeken sinds 22 mei 2013

soundcloud Recente muziek

2 opmerkingen

Waarschuw beheerder
Nice 1000 dreams
Waarschuw beheerder
zero t @ 10 years commercial suicide