Boom Shankar
NaamArmin Günther
Functie10× DJ
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresgoa, psytrance


German based Boom Shankar is a Dj for Psychedelic Trance, the label manager of BMSS Records and an event promoter within Europe. Having been initiated into the Goa Trance scene in the early Nineties and by traveling the globe ever since, his sets are a mirror of the constant melting pot of fundamental Psytrance characteristics.

Whether he is guiding the dance floor through the night or into the morning, the outcome is always a voyage filled with a depth and an energy that allows the crowd to feel a sense of freedom through Trance. Groovy, deep, mature, hypnotic and clearly distinguishable.

Having played at many underground & major events worldwide, he has developed a full understanding of the flow and the energies of each dance floor and is flexible in terms of "styles". Through his impromptu sets, he is able to interact personally with each dance floor, taking the audience on a trans-formative journey. His sets are a direct form of communication through music.

Uitgaansagenda Boom Shankar

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 25 november 2023: Psychedelic Rave, Now&Wow, Rotterdam


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