Marco Resmann
NaamMarco Resmann
Functie58× DJ
HerkomstDuitsland 🇩🇪
Genresminimal, tech house, techno
house, techno


It is the year 2009. It is approximately 15 years ago that Marco Resmann first stood innocently behind his two Technics decks and mixer and excitedly took his first stumbling baby steps into the world of DJing and electronic music. The Loveparade was going from strength to strength and the maelstrom that surrounded Techno and House music had already taken hold of Marco. Berlin, his hometown, actually the whole country was in a state of anticipation. Everyone was out buying drum machines and synthesizers, there was so much to discover. Every centimeter of this new magical, musical universe had to be measured uncovered and tried out. The first parties, the first self produced tracks, everything was intense and new. The world was on fast forward, with the bass drum as its constant pulse.

Uitgaansagenda Marco Resmann

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 27 juli 2024: Complex Festival, Geusseltpark, Maastricht

soundcloud Recente muziek

6 waarderingen

Tjezus wat een dikke set @ Klankbord! serieuze housebaas!!!
Wat een held!
jaaaaaaa source on ijs afterr rocken
Matt Sunday
mooi baasje
Louie Lebowski
en source loves 8bahn!
Rockte Linke Fritz!

1 opmerking

Werkzaam bij Bar27
EN de watergate!