Avi Adir
NaamAvi Adir
Functie12× live
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresambient, goa, trip hop
downtempo, psy


Self-styled modern Troubadour Avi Adir, originally from Israel, a unique expressive authentic vocalist and multi-instrumentalist. Travels the world, without identifying himself to a nation or country.
His music arises from the core of the heart, with an emotional deep expression of ancient Sufi's spirit and divine connection.
Avi Adir performs in concert halls, festivals, yoga and art spiritual events, sharing fusion mix of composition and improvisation at the same time. Freedom flow that touches and inspired the ordinance in their own creativity and their love to sing and dance.
Each performance is a new stream unfolding in the present moment, according to the situation and the energy in the space.
Among the instrument he plays, are the Bouzouki, Silver Flute, Bansuri, Duduk, Shakuhachi, Ney, and Harmonica.

'Music is my tool to tune with my real nature. I'm here to share the radiated waves of the Divine force of life, which are flowing through.' Avi Adir

Uitgaansagenda Avi Adir

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 1 september 2018: Healing Garden, Erkemeder Strand, Zeewolde


geen·in de toekomst
12·in het verleden
976×bekeken sinds 3 april 2013

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