NaamRogier Habraken
Functie59× DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdrum & bass
drum & bass


From the industrial capital of Holland known as Eindhoven, comes one of the most promising names in contemporary Dutch Drum & Bass, Rogier Habraken a.k.a. Mindmapper.
Growing up on one of the main nerves of the Dutch Drum & Bass scene and being surrounded by some of the biggest names in the scene has given Rogier the best education you could wish for. Having worked in the bar where the legendary Red Zone nights started of since he was 16, Rogier got inspired to get seriously into producing the music he loves.
Coming from a background of working with bands, playing electric guitar for many years and building his own studio, Mindmapper has got all the musical skills a producer might want. What started out as recording and arranging songs played by his band, evolved in a serious affection for cutting, sampling and composing electronic music. Combined with his education as an Audio Designer, Mindmapper is a musical mastermind whose style expands way beyond just Drum & Bass.…

Uitgaansagenda Mindmapper

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 6 september 2019: Rolling in the Deep, De Helling, Utrecht


geen·in de toekomst
59·in het verleden
geweldig·stemresultaat (4 stemmen)

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