NaamCarlos Vigelandzoon
Functie91× DJ
Lid van groepBrothers in Harmony
Leeftijd54 – 55
HerkomstSuriname 🇸🇷
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱
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Music child
In 1970, this music child was born in the city of Paramaribo, the capital of Surinam in South America. At the age of two, his parents moved to settle Schalkwijk, a suburb of Haarlem, in the Netherlands. Schalkwijk is the home of many talented artists, musicians, DJs, and producers who have achieved greatness in the world of music. DJ Carlito grew up with people like Kid Crash, Rockattack Ten, Shy Rock aka Rollarocka, DJ / producer Martijn ten Velden, calling themselves Homeboys from da Block, which later partly formed the P-Funk group called GOTCHA. Also, people like DJ Zki aka The Goodman, Jay KR aka Jerome, his brother Ro aka Robedope Ro,DJ Georgio, DJ Marnix, DJ Alexander Koning, DJ Marcello, and DJ Olaf Basovski, until the new generation of people like Pete Philly, Relax, Winna de Poeet, Mikula, Gregor Salto, and the list goes on and on. "At the age of 12," says DJ Carlito, "I knew what I wanted to become: a DJ / remixer / producer.…

Uitgaansagenda Carlito

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 16 december 2023: Elate, Panama, Amsterdam


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896×bekeken sinds 23 april 2013
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