La Fatale
20 november 2023
NaamCsaba Farkas
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstHongarije 🇭🇺
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱


La Fatale is a Hungarian Techno DJ & Producer, currently based in the Netherlands.
Known for he's hard-hitting kicks and emotional melodies, he seamlessly blends the energy of hard techno and other genres with the depth of feelings and emotions, creating a unique sound.
He's sets are a journey through the senses, taking the listener on a trip that is both intense and full of emotions..
He has the ability to tap into the deepest emotions and convey them through he's music.

La Fatale also strongly believes that change is important, both in music and in life, and he incorporates this belief into he's work by constantly experimenting and pushing the boundaries of he's sound, he always aims to balance "the darkness & the light".

Uitgaansagenda La Fatale

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 8 december 2023: Klubnacht, De With, Amsterdam


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