Late Replies
NaamKas , Josh
FunctieDJ, groep
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, tech house


When a pair of London lads list The Queen and Maradona as key after-party attendees, you know there is a unique energy running through them. Kas and Josh, better known under the moniker Late Replies, are the true embodiment of energy and greatness and this sentiment is echoed by the story of how they came to be known as Late Replies: "I (Kas) called up Josh and said 'Yo, I can pass for a lightie right now (it was summer). Lighties always reply late...that's us, Late Replies' - and it stuck." The lads infectious energy translates into the music they champion, when they are DJ'ing, the grooves they craft in their studio and the smooth ass tipple they sip, in their good friend Hennessy. The duo have become ubiquitous - just as much for their energy and humour - than they have for the slew of percussive house grooves churned out with precision.…

Uitgaansagenda Late Replies

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 7 september 2024: Moana, IJland, Amsterdam


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