NaamAlexander Whitehead
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreship hop
hip hop


Fliptrix has spent the last few years of his life defining his position as one of the most forward-thinking emcees in the game.

Founder of UKHH stalwart High Focus Records, Fliptrix can lay claim to being one of the key players in the re-birth of a scene that lost its way ever so slightly. Running on nothing but positive vibes and a firm belief in the music, everything he has put his mind to has come good in one way or another; launching High Focus Records, establishing his own successful studio and High Focus HQ, clocking over a million hits (and counting) on his HFTV YouTube channel, releasing a string of seminal albums and selling out venues.

Force Fed Imagery set the standard in 2007, Theory Of Rhyme expanded the axis in 2010, The 4 Owls saw Fliptrix's creative output explode in 2011, and Fliptrix's third solo venture 'Third Eye Of The Storm' looks set to push Fliptrix to even higher heights in 2012.

Uitgaansagenda Fliptrix

Laatste optreden was op maandag 13 september 2021: Outlook Festival, The Garden Resort, Tisno


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