Rising Dust
NaamAmi Dahan & John Aharon
FunctieDJ, groep
HerkomstIsraël 🇮🇱
Genresprogressive trance, psytrance
psy, trance


Rising Dust is Proving On every dance floor they hit that their unique style is not only Mind Blowing and Spiritual but also highly danceable and brings high energy levels to all the receivers in the crowd.

Started their way individually on 2005 Ami Dahan aka A.M.i & John Aharon aka Mojo met in a party @ 2012 .
by the talented hands of mister Karen Bagdasarov aka Bubble who made the first connection between the duo that formed a Band that no one can stay indifferent to <><>R.I.S.I.N.G D.U.S.T<><>.

After releasing their first ep On blue tunes called "dust everywhere" the duo Released a debut album on Mushy records called "The Resistance" After less than a year they released the Second Album that was a Massive hit in the psytrance cummunity...
3rd album releases on fabruary 2017 with a strong feeling this is going to be the best and the bigest one so far..

Uitgaansagenda Rising Dust

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 11 juli 2024: Airbeat One Festival, Airport Neustadt-Glewe, Neustadt-Glewe


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