Nick Reverse
FunctieDJ, producer
Leeftijd35 – 36
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹
WoonachtigAustralië 🇦🇺
Genresminimal, tech house
house, techno


Born a music lover on July 25th, CLASS of 88. Nick Reverse grew up in Salerno, South of Italy. At an early age he played with his fathers vinyl collection and fell in love with music. It was those moments that changed his outlook on life as he knew that music would be in his future. Nick's career started in 2012 playing house parties and clubs. He also released his first EP which gave him the opportunity to perform at underground events all across Europe.

In 2014 Nick relocated to Australia and within just a few months began playing at some of Melbourne's finest underground venues where his talent didn't go unnoticed. Ultimately his heart led him to Sydney where Nick created the extremely successful and vibrant WeLove brand. A mixture of solid weekly events, a dj agency and a music label, the brand in just a few years has become an institution giving him the opportunity to work alongside some of the greatest artists from around the world.

Uitgaansagenda Nick Reverse

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 9 augustus 2024: EAST Collective, Paradiso, Amsterdam


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