NaamFabien , Thibault
FunctieDJ, groep
HerkomstFrankrijk 🇫🇷


Fabien and Thibault met a few times around some empty apartment buildings or wastelands.
It is a certain type of artistic expression, unfortunately disdained by a lot of ignorant people, that will get them together. After several evening discussions around a barbecue, or afternoons spent spray-painting next to each other, they happened to end up being good friends.

They also discovered that graffiti was not their only common artistic field of interest, and that electronic music was another one. After building a quite enormous record collection, they started playing a few gigs locally. The duo Indeëd is composed of Wimd and Tib'z, two mixing aficionados, passionated with vinyl records and production.

Their act started in 2012, bringing magic either behind turntables or using machine. Their first track appeared on a various compilation released by Woo.ble Recordings, as well as their first ep already being prepared, so stay connected!

Uitgaansagenda Indeëd

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 8 maart 2019: Worakls After Show, L'Entrepôt, Bordeaux


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