Brett Gould
NaamBrett Gould
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genreshouse, tech house, techno
house, techno


With a growing number of acclaimed releases on some of the most respected imprints in the business, there's no doubt that Brett Gould has firmly cemented his place within the underground house circuit. Building his reputation behind the decks through a two-year residency at London's Lightbox, as well as playing alongside the likes of Eats Everything, Solardo, Mark Jenkyns, Sasha, Franky Rizardo and more, he has quickly become one of the scene's most exciting and accomplished talents.
Beatport Top 10s have become the norm for Brett, who quickly exercised his right to be on the same line-ups as his heroes with his energetic live performances and precision-engineering in the studio.…

Uitgaansagenda Brett Gould

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 19 oktober 2018: Farris Wheel Recordings Showcase, Le Nouveau Riche, Amsterdam


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