Andrew Robertson
NaamAndrew Robertson
HerkomstSchotland 🇬🇧
Genresdeep tech, house, techno
house, techno


A proud Scotsman, lover in equal measure of the 4/4 beat and Irn Bru (it's in the genes, apparently) Andrew traversed Hadrian's Wall in the early 90s, touching down as far south as it's safe to go without getting your feet wet, and settled in leafy Hampshire.
When I say 'settled' I really mean 'immersed himself in club culture', having developed a voracious appetite for clubbing and becoming a fixture on the dancefloors of just about every trance/ techno club of note during those heady days. Ringwood's infamous Manor, south coast trance mecca Slinky, uber-club Cream and the inimitable Gatecrasher all drew Andrew to their floors. Shapes were thrown, friendships forged and seeds sown.
In 2000, Andrew worked a season in Ibiza for Amnesia, which opened his ears to progressive, techno and tribal house, and at this time the lure of the decks became irresistible.…

Uitgaansagenda Andrew Robertson

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 19 oktober 2018: Det Sync Label Showcase, De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam


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