Eric Powell
NaamEric Powell
Functie6 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Eric Powell started DJing in Manchester, his hometown, in what was to become known as the Summer of Love. He went on to DJ at all of Manchester's most important clubs including the world famous Hacienda. It was not long before Eric became one of the UKs most sought after guest DJs and in 1994 he took on residencies at the Zap Club in Brighton, at a night called Protection and the Red Club. Both these nights have won awards and much respect throughout the UK.
Eric Powell owns and runs for Bush Records, one of the most recognisable and sought after dance labels in the world today.

Eric has dj's at some of the world's most iconic venue's – Ministry of Sound, The End, Club UK [London], E-Works, Matrix [Berlin], Kadoc [Portugal], Kremlin, Climax [Lisbon], Hacienda [Manchester], Cream [Liverpool], Sanctuary [Miami], Zap [Brighton], Tuz [St. Petersburg], Mazzo [Amsterdam], Airport [Frankfurt], Amnesia, Space [Ibiza], Sound Factory (NY), Pacha (NY), Chinese Laundry (Sydney), The Greenwood (Sydney) to name a few.

Uitgaansagenda Eric Powell

Laatste optreden was op maandag 24 april 2023: PURE, Metro City, Perth


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