NaamValentín Corujo , Héctor Sandoval
Functie35× live, producer, groep
Lid van groepSelección Natural
HerkomstSpanje 🇪🇸


It is not often that electronic music artists venture into projects with other creators, but it is even less often to come across artists whose collaboration becomes a stable and lasting union, accounts for most of the work they do and goes far beyond a mere sporadic partnership. When such a project becomes consolidated and mature and shifts from deejaying to studio production, we can say we're facing a pretty unique scenario, especially if the artists manage to keep up the rhythm, quality and increasing recognition for over a decade.
This is the case of Valentín Corujo + Héctor Sandoval = Exium. The success formula employed by this duo of deejays and producers from Asturias, Spain, that have yet to experience a setback in their career ever since in 1994 they decided to work together, is one of determined and solid effort.

Uitgaansagenda Exium

Laatste optreden was op zondag 30 juni 2019: Awakenings Festival, Spaarnwoude Park, Velsen-Zuid

soundcloud Recente muziek

15 mei 2005
Foto's, Awakenings, 15 mei 2005, Now&Wow, Rotterdam

3 waarderingen

Hele vette techno (y) :respect:
Dit is zeker weten dikke techno! (l)
Dynamic Reflection
Helden! :respect:

3 opmerkingen

een van de beste techno producers!
Dope shit! :yes:
Mogen wel weer eens naar Nederland komen! :jaja: