Roberto DaVinci
NaamRobert Hoogduin
Functie171 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresacid, classics, club, disco, funk, groove, house, lounge, oldschool, techno
partyflock DaVinci (29 feb 2016)


Robert Hoogduin, alias Roberto Da Vinci (Holland), born 1969, started his DJ career in 1987.

While house music was born in 1988, Da Vinci already had his first gig. He started his public career in one of Haarlem's most famous underground clubs called "Dwiezels". At the same time, he was also experimenting with "cutting and pasting" mixes using tape equipment. When his first mix was created at home, radio 3FM, Holland's number one radio station, showed interest in his skills and aired his first real mix, which gave Da Vinci instant recognition.

During the mid 90's, Da Vinci increased his efforts to develop his skills and love for being and becoming a DJ. Although doing it part time, these efforts paid off as DaVinci won local DJ championships and earned a spot in the finals of the Dutch Live DJ Mix Championships.

Uitgaansagenda Roberto DaVinci

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 17 augustus 2024: Strandverblijf, Manii Beach, Zandvoort


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