Ego Trippin
NaamMatt North , Ian Wait
Functie13× DJ, groep
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass
drum & bass


Ego Trippin comprises two of artists, Matt and Ian, Both accomplished artists in their own right. Veterans of the scene and As solo artists their production history stretches back to the early days of jungle with releases on Splash & Juice alongside legendary artists like Undercover agent and Majistrate. As a collective the two have been working together since 1999 releasing material on labels such as True Playaz subsidiaries Frontline & Global Thang, Andy Cs Frequency label, Mickey finn's Finn people, 3rd Angle, HI def, G13, Higher Stakes and most recently joining the squad at subway soundz and low down deep, With Logan D being a big influence in there more recent productions there very happy to be a part of the team …

Uitgaansagenda Ego Trippin

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 6 januari 2023: Next Hype, Fire, London


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13·in het verleden
316×bekeken sinds 26 mei 2017

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