Profiel · 789395
Profielafbeelding · [HCD]S_rina:bounce:
Hardcore Darkness -Be A Part Of It
Deze gebruiker is al geruime tijd niet meer langsgeweest en staat derhalve op non-actief.
WoonplaatsDiest (Vlaams-Brabant, België)
LandBelgië 🇧🇪
OrganisatieHardcore darkness
Favoriete genresearly hardcore, hardcore, hardstyle, My Own Style, oldschool
Lid sinds14 januari 2008 19:07
Laatst hier9 mei 2022 21:24
Laatste aanpassingwoensdag 12 november 2014 om 20:01


Laatst bezochte feest was op vrijdag 30 september 2016: Summer Of Hardcore, Bekaf, Aarschot


274120·pagina's bekeken
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21·winactie deelnemingen
2×negatieve karma
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*.. Don’t Judge Me If Chu Don’t Know Me Don’t Call Me A Bitch And Think i’m A Hoe …
Just Keep Your Fucking Mouth Shut Bout” Me …
Don’t Think You’re A *G* Don’t Think You’re A * Star *
Cuzz All That You Are Is A Slut That Think She Rule
But Wrong Bitch You Aren’t Cool
You’re Just A Girl That Fucks A Lot
You’re Just A Toy For A Boy Don’t Chu Get It Bitch No 1 Like You I’m Sorry ..
I’m Just Talking’ The Truth -Don’t Wanna Spend Any Time To You Anymore You Just Aren’t Worth It …
Don’t Judge Me If Chu Don’t Know Me ..
Call Me Whatever You Want .. Cuzz You’re Words Don’t Mean A Thing … *

(l) RSCA (l)

Ooh Anderlecht...
You're wonderful...
We're going crazy after every fucking goal.
We're gonna win!
We're gonna sing!
Supporting Anderlecht is everything!!


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U tHiNk YoUr Da BoMb!
U tHiNk YoU'Re It!
BuT cOmPaReD 2 mE
YoUr NoThInG bUt ShIt!!

Maïte Men Prachtje,, Men Alles
(l) 21-12-08 (l)
* You're The Color In My Black/White World(L) *

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The People I Love The Most ;; Gwennekeee, Jasmien (l) !!

Gio ,, Shana&Kevin ,, Gorik Mis jullie zo hard :(

You Hurt My Familie & I Will Kill You ! ;)

Mess With My Girls..
You Mess With Me!
Hurt Them And You Will See !!
How Fast I'll Make Your Life A Living Hell
Cuz I'd Give My Life For Them And Take Yours As Well !

500 Great Times,,
400 Laughs,,
300 Smiles,,
100 secrets,,
1 Reason,, Best Friends.