Profiel · 753842
Profielafbeelding · Dennis Luijks
Intents Festival 2010
Deze gebruiker is al geruime tijd niet meer langsgeweest en staat derhalve op non-actief.
WoonplaatsWelberg (Noord-Brabant)
LandNederland 🇳🇱
Favoriete genresdubstep, french tek, happy hardcore, hard dance, hardcore, hardhouse, hardstyle, hip hop, house, jump
Lid sinds30 november 2007 23:25
Laatst hier1 juli 2016 13:09
Laatste aanpassingdinsdag 25 juni 2013 om 18:00


Laatst bezochte feest was op zaterdag 1 augustus 2015: Dance Boulevard, De Boulevard, Bergen op Zoom


13615·pagina's bekeken
93·evenementen bezocht
35·oude interessante evenementen
48·privéberichten verzonden
42·privéberichten ontvangen
rockin' you the fuck out with this metal thing,
eat this heavy shit through a crushed out bang,
bringing on the pain, now get your stuff sorted,
all you fake ass fifty's, you know you can't afford it.

cause you think you're the king, but where the fuck's your crown?
we got the torch to burn this mother down,
and we're gonna bring the pain to the mind and sort it,
had to kiss my ass, cause this fucks distorted!

rockin' you the fuck out with this metal thing,
eat this heavy shit through a crushed out bang,
bringing on the pain, now get your stuff sorted,
all you fake ass fifty's, you know you can't afford it.

cause you think you're the king, but where the fuck's your crown?
we got the torch to burn this mother down,
and we're gonna bring the pain to the mind and sort it,
had to kiss my ass, cause this fucks distorted!



Give us this day
All that you showed me
The power and the glory
'Till the kingdom called

Give me all the
Stories you told me
The faith and the glory
Till thy kingdom called

Till the kingdom called

Give us this day
All that you showed me
The power and the glory
'Till the kingdom called

Give me all the
Stories you told me
The faith and the glory
Till thy kingdom called


Call it...
Call it hardstyle...
I am a sucker...
Call it sucker...
I am addicted to the kicks...
Call it hardstyle...
I am a sucker...
Call it sucker...
I am addicted to the X-X-XTC!

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
So call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am addicted to the kicks and to the XTC!

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
Call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am a sucker for the bass and for the energy!

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
So call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am addicted to the X-X-XTC!

I am addict-icted to the kicks
I am addicted to the XTC!
Kicks, bass, energy!
I am addicted to the kicks, bass, XTC!

Cause we're co-co-co-coming on strong, all night long
Till the break of, break of dawn

Cause we're co-co-co-coming on strong, all night long
Till the break of, break of dawn

My name is... hardstyle

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
So call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am addicted to the kick and to the XTC!

My name is hardstyle
My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
Call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am a sucker for the bass and for the energy!

My name is hardstyle
And I say it once more
I'm stronger now
Then I've ever been before
So call it hardstyle
It ain't so hard to see
I am addicted to the X-X-XTC!


United as one
Can't be undone
Our forces combined
In one single mind
You'll be the hardest
We'll be the smartest
Consider our life form as one of a kind

I warn you not to disturb us
We're not your average motherfuckers


Zeg meisjes waarom vinden jullie players stom?
Alsje ervoor bent gevallen ben je zelf toch dom?

Jullie zeggen: 'Players maken me boos'.
Waarom krijgen jullie van hen dan een natte doos?

De lieve 'Nerds' zien jullie niet staan.
Omdat jullie liever met een 'Stoere kerel' gaan.

Terwijl iedereen allang weet dat hij meisjes played.
Sta jij tegen hem op te rijden met je natte spleet.

En achteraf maar bitchen dat je bent gebruikt.
Als hij weer met een ander het bed in duikt.

Even flink uithuilen bij je beste vriendin.
Maar de volgende keer trap je er toch weer in.

Je gaat weer voor die praatjes van dat lekkere ding.
En voor je het weet zit zijn hand weer in je string.