Profiel · 32184
­ Nederland
Lid sinds14 september 2003 13:57
Laatst hier29 oktober 2023
Laatste aanpassingdonderdag 30 oktober 2014 om 16:00
they won't see us waving from such great heights,
"come down now", they'll say
but everything looks perfect from far away,
"come down now", but we'll stay...

...there will come a time in your life....
....when you will ask yourself a series of questions..... i happy with who i am? i happy with the people around me? i happy with what i'm doing? i happy with the way my life is going? i have a life?
....or am i just living? not let these questions strain or trouble you....
...just point yourself in the direction of your dreams.....
..find your strenght in the sound....
...and make your transition......
...make your transition....
..make your transition..
...make your transition....
.....make your transition....
....make your transition..
...make your transition......

We stoppen niet met spelen omdat we oud worden, we worden oud omdat we stoppen met spelen