Suffering? You haven't seen anything.. "yet"!!!!!!!
Hello gast
for the past 3 weeks, you've been Cutting yourself,
is it because your father beats you?
or is it because your mother left you?
you must not like the fact that others lives are better than yours,
so you ruin them, you find that you feel better about yourself,
I find that you have become a scum of society,
so im gonna test you.
Right now you have a state-of-the-art torture device,
its called Razor-Skin..
whatever you touche, or....whatever touches you,
a thin razor cuts your skin.
Dont worry, its not perminit, there is a lock on your back,
the key, however is behind one of the 8 doors you see around you.
Live Or Die, gast , its your decision..