Michael Bibi
1 april 2020
Functie48 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Michael Bibi has fast become an established member of the Underground Music scene.

The London based new kid has honed is craft from countless hours in the DJ Booth as well as letting loose on the dance floors of London in between Locking himself away in his South London studio curating the world wide recognised brand that is 'SolidGrooves' ..Bibi is more than just your average DJ.

Playing Music, Making music & a love for the party scene are the three sole things that motivate the SolidGrooves 'Head Honcho', he will not let anyone or anything come between him and making sure that his musical input keeps every party rocking,

Bibi's raw passion for Music has been with him since childhood but his enthusiasm for the underground came at the tender age of 14 when he acquired his first pair of Numark belt drive turntables. From this moment on DJ'ing and Music where his Addiction which could never be shaken off.

Uitgaansagenda Michael Bibi

Laatste optreden was op maandag 9 oktober 2023: Circoloco, DC10, Sant Jordi de ses Salines


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