Roberto Pagliaccia
4 oktober 2022
NaamRoberto Pagliaccia
Functie1 × DJ
Leeftijd33 – 34
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹


Roberto Pagliaccia was born in Florence in 1990 but is a citizen of the world. From a young age he was fascinated by the world of clubs but only in 2019 did he decide to take what is the path that is leading him to establish himself in this world as one of the most beautiful emerging realities. He played in the best Florentine underground clubs, quickly reaching the residence of Atomic Eventi, a leading organization on the Italian territory with guests of the caliber of Sven Vath, Jeff Mills and many others, up to doing various DJ sets in clubs in Italy and across the Alps. In 2021 he began his journey as a producer by releasing his first EP on Lapsus Music. Contaminated. Futuristic. Rebel. His taste is dominated by the spasmodic search for beauty. He projects into his dystopian vision of the future all the contamination he had from the past and the present. Music and fashion march together on the extremely fine line of a path that has already been traced...

Uitgaansagenda Roberto Pagliaccia

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 20 oktober 2022: Head Studios × Meritocracy Records, Twenty Two, Amsterdam


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