Alex Nocera
5 oktober 2022
NaamAlessandro Carmine Nocera
Functie1 × DJ
HerkomstItalië 🇮🇹


Alex Nocera is an Italian DJ, record producer, remixer. He started his career in 1989. Since that time he has remixed and produced a great number of singles including several charted in Europe.

Alex Nocera achieved success as a record producer with a hit single 'The King and the Nursery' that entered the Radio Deejay Chart, followed by the single "Daimoku" that in 2003 entered the prestigious Chart compiled by British DJ Pete Tong for BBC Radio 1.

Alex's career as a DJ has always been concentrated on live performances. He played in different European countries (England, Germany) on the main stages at such big festivals as Love Parade in Berlin (2001). In Italy he performs regularly in the best Italian clubs for the last 15 years.

His activity on a radio includes some resultant collaborations with local and national stations where he participates not only as a DJ, but also as an audio technician and artistic director.

Uitgaansagenda Alex Nocera

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 20 oktober 2022: Head Studios × Meritocracy Records, Twenty Two, Amsterdam


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