Mirror Me
17 december 2018
NaamAntoni Girjatowicz
Functie1 × DJ
Geboortedatum2 januari
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸
WoonachtigPolen 🇵🇱


Mirror Me is the project of Antoni Girjatowicz. This music has been described with many different words, ranging from insane to beautiful, terrifying to hilarious, unsettling yet calming.
A multi-instrumentalist at heart, his journey with music began with private piano lessons, studying classical music theory. This was soon left behind to pursue the path of musical creation. Upon reaching the limits of musical experimentation on piano, Antoni discovered the near-limitless possibilities of electronic music production. He would spend countless hours at home and in the basement of his college, skipping lectures and classes for the sake of exploring new sonic territories. In 2011, Antoni discovered the world of psychedelic music, and immediately directed his creative energy to pursue his dreams of psychedelic trance production. In 2013, Mirror Me joined Zenon Records, released his debut EP shortly after, followed by his debut album, Self-Deprivation, in February 2014...

Uitgaansagenda Mirror Me

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 9 maart 2019: Psy-Incarnation, Hundread Sound Accompany, Groningen


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