NaamTony Claessens
Functie422× DJ, live
Lid van groepvroeger: Tony Junior & Nicolas Nox
Leeftijd25 – 26
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


Tony's a bad boy you gotta love. He's a Dutch musical prodigy known for his worldwide appealing tunes. Of course it's all about the music, but with Tony Junior you'll get his charismatic presence as a pleasant bonus.

With his specialty being big room productions, Tony gets picked up by famed DJs quite fast. As a result his profile increases, playing all over Europe, Asia, South America and the US, and doing prime time gigs at clubs and festivals like Tomorrowland, Mysteryland, Something Wicked, WMC, Pacha Ibiza and Montreux Jazz Festival.

Uitgaansagenda Tony Junior

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 11 oktober 2024: Ruiterbal, Manege Heijligers, Asten

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