Forumonderwerp · 886849
Many dutch are going on holidays to Spain so probably a lot of you know the nice places to go out near barcelona, sitges, salou, loret del mar, etc....
So, what are the best places? Where to go?
In english please!
Thanks :)
kreta b) is not in spain..
but it is fucking great :D
Uitspraak van Maaak op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:15:
kreta is not in spain..
but it is fucking great

yeah but it's not where i'm going so i don't care of kreta right now.

Uitspraak van vanalles op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:18:

what is that?
You're 29.... What the fuck do you want to do in Salou or Lloret!!???? :vaag:
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:37:
You're 29.... What the fuck do you want to do in Salou or Lloret!!????

I'm staying in Sitges but why, is Salou and Lloret very young?? Never been there...
Uitspraak van French connection op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:43:
is Salou and Lloret very young??

It's there all about 16 year old girls, wich want to get lost of ther virginity!

Nightguide for Barcelona, a lot of nice and classy clubs! Salou, Lloret and Blanes are for the youngsters...
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:44:
It's there all about 16 year old girls, wich want to get lost of ther virginity!

And boys ;-)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op dinsdag 11 juli 2006 om 21:44:
It's there all about 16 year old girls, wich want to get lost of ther virginity!

That's right...:yes:...but also boys ;)
Don't go to Salou, Blanes en Lloret if you're 29.... unless you like young girls... ;)

Barcelone :respect: ....never been in Sitges before :no:
wwhaaa :d sounds good, they need a teacher then :p
But serious, where to go out in that part of Spain? What are the clubs? What kind of music?
Barcelona b)