Forumonderwerp · 775990
­ Nederland
Ill be there for two months starting in september so whats good to do there?
picking your nose, shining your shoes, scratching your ass.
where in Deutschland will you be staying? 's quite a big country
^^^good question, i wish i could anwser that, my girl is picking me up in berlin and then taking me to the town she will be living in to go to univeresity. i know it starts with an H the school at least i just dont want to be bored
dude, where the fuck are you staying in germany???

You said you were going to the netherlands!
its all part of the same damn trip you dickhead
fuck you, cumdrip...

when are you visiting Yo and me?
I'll make the dog hump your leg, and then he'll bite yer tiny weener off :[
i need to know someones agenda so i can work around it first dude, dont worry Chuncky love i plan on visiting you and yo :) its all part of what i have plan after i ditch the DJ guy when he goes off to do his thing and me my thing

i need a fucking vacation so bad
First we will need to know where you are staying:) then we are able to help you :P
Who gives a fuck about where to go... just find the nearest pub and get rat arsed!
are you sure that it is heidelberg

because from berlin to heidelberg it's also quite a distance (if you actually arriving in berlin)

yes im sure
so no suggestions eh?
Artiest Faz
You should go to the Robert Johnson in Ogust. Party ohne ende! Germany rocks...


But first you have to take a listen to other music you prefer. :P
laatste aanpassing
finding our bikes back ? :P
ummmmm ok i meant something not club or party releated, nothing touristy too i hate tourist places just stuff in general whats good to do
Oh, well, than you shouldn't go if you don't want to do anything touristy. But you can drink beer all day and eat weeners.
German sausages :P
oh ok then why didnt you just say that

i had no clue what weener was
heidelberg is not too far from berlin..
1-1,5 hours driving..

eberswalde is also not too far..

but there isnt much around there.. think most people go to berlin during the weekends..