Tine Machine
30 mei 2023
NaamElla Junghahn
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstZweden 🇸🇪
Genresdeep house, tech house, techno


When I left school, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, so I just started working to make a living. I found myself getting stuck in meaningless jobs, living for the weekends to dive into nightlife. Whether it would be a festival or a club, as long as electronic music was involved.

At one of the many afterparties me and my friends organized, I saw a friend DJing and it dawned on me for the first time that I should have a crack at DJing myself. From that day on it flowed pretty easily, which made me confident I had made the right choice in pursuing this.
Three years later I decided that I wanted to produce music as well. Even though I felt like walking into a cockpit with an overload of buttons, things lifted off quite easily. I knew then I wanted to pursue this professionally, so I decided to go back to school. Then I realized that every step I had taken before in my life had led me to this point, I just had to open my eyes to this opportunity to see it.

Uitgaansagenda Tine Machine

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 21 oktober 2023: Jaap & Friends, Boom Chicago, Amsterdam


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